Offers for our target groups

  • Sustainable business practices

    munich business offers companies advisory programs, networks and info events. We can provide you with expert support on the path to lower CO2 emissions, climate neutrality and greater energy efficiency.

    Gewerbehalle mit Symbolen, die das Handwerk und Klimathemen aufzeigen
  • Skilled labor

    The focus of the Munich Employment and Qualification Program (MBQ) is to help you acquire and retain new and existing staff.

    Symbolbild Handschlag
  • International economic relations

    We organize meetings with delegations, consulates, and international business networks.

    Creative Embassy Gruppenfoto
  • Impact Entrepreneurship & Social Innovation

    We are your point of contact for the topic of impact entrepreneurship and social innovation.

    Gruppe von Menschen im Gespräch
  • Economic data and analysis

    Munich’s Economic Development Department publishes various brochures, presentations and info folders on Munich as a business location, as well as on various sectors, clusters, and programs.

    Türme der Frauenkirche spiegeln sich in einer Fassade


  • Advice on commercial locations

    Are you looking for commercial property? Would you like to move to or grow your company in Munich? Or do you want to modify, relocate or expand your premises? Get in touch!

  • Startup advice

    Free advice for Munich’s entrepreneurs: We offer independent, expert advice on going self-employed.

    Header-Symbole auf der Startseite der Gründungsberatungsplattform
  • #kreativmuenchen

    The Team of Excellence for the Cultural and Creative Industries, in short #kreativmuenchen, is the first point of contact for all creative and cultural practitioners in Munich.

    2 Personen im Beratungsgespräch beim Kompetenzteam für die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft