Mohnblumenwiese vor dem entstehenden Freiham

Companies and commercial space in Pasing, Freiham and other districts

Commercial activity is spread throughout the west of Munich. Westend, for example, not far from Munich’s inner city, is a well-established office district. And Westend will gain a new district in the next few years, the Zschokke Quartier.

Also worth mentioning is the six-kilometer district Hauptbahnhof-Laim-Pasing, which some 20 years after restructuring of the former railway site began still offers development potential. 

Then there is Freiham, Europe’s largest new development district, with both its own commercial space and major industrial structures in neighboring Neuaubing.

West Munich: Development areas for industry / retail (yellow) and offices (red)

In the northwest you can find further development potential in the Rupert-Bodner Straße and Mühlangerstraße commercial districts.

What are the possibilities for small- and medium-sized manufacturing companies? The area is home to three of Munich’s city-owned business parks – in Westend, at Westpark, and in Laim. They offer compact spaces close to the city center, with attractive conditions.


Districts and plans

Freiham/Neuaubing commercial and office district

The new city district Freiham has been in development at the western edge of the city since 2005. The 350-hectare area is intended for 30,000 inhabitants and 15,000 jobs. The district center ZAM will be completed in 2024 and offers 90,000 m² of commercial space, 27,000 m² of which are intended for retail and trade, and 18,500 m² as office space.

The Freiham Süd commercial district covers an area of around 31 hectares. Around 10 hectares are earmarked for the technology park; the remaining areas can be used for traditional commerce and specialist stores. The Technologiepark Freiham is currently being set up there. The City of Munich awards the commercial space – via our location support service for companies – to organizations involved in R&D.

Visualisierung 1. Preis

The City of Munich is creating a new business park (Gewerbehof) here for SMEs and skilled crafts, with work on the park due to begin in 2025.

Well-known companies in Freiham Süd commercial district include Arthrex GmbH, a developer and manufacturer of medical devices, the software company SHS Viveon, the Würth Group’s Hightech Innovation Center, medium-sized companies such as Heldele GmbH and Nelhiebel Elektrotechnik, as well as the furniture retailer Höffner and DIY-store Hornbach, and the logistics facilities of Augustiner Bräu.

The S-Bahn station Freiham connects the district to the public transport network. The A 99 and A 96 autobahn are also very close.

Triebwerk München, renovierte Fensterfront der alten Backsteinhalle

The Neuaubing train maintenance center was previously based to the east, in what is now the Triebwerk commercial site. The owner, aurelis, is developing a business campus on this approximately 10-hectare site, which offers some 90,000 m² of commercial space and a blend of newly constructed spaces and attractive approaches to existing spaces in the listed buildings and halls.

Well-known companies based here include the laser communications company Mynaric, DHL Delivery, the Tesla Service Center, and Münchner Hybrid Systemtechnik GmbH, a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institut.

Triebwerk München, renovated window facade of the old brick hall

There are also plans to construct a new building, the iWerk, at the Triebwerk commercial site. This 15,000 m² facility will focus on companies involved in light industrial technology, production, and R&D.

Somewhat closer to the city is the 11-hectare Brunhamstraße commercial district, also known as the Sirius Businesspark Neuaubing, offering a diverse range of office, warehouse, and production space on the former premises of the aerospace company DASA. Well-known companies here include GKN Aerospace and Interkep.

The Triebwerk and Brunhamstraße commercial districts are linked to the public transport network by the S-Bahn station Neuaubing (S8).

Current project developments:

Hirschgarten office district

A well-connected, exclusive office-space district is developing around Munich’s Hirschgarten, in the area between the Friedenheimer Brücke bridge and Arnulfstraße. The high-rise buildings, some of which already exist while others are still under construction, make a striking impression and offer views of the approximately 9-hectare site. Companies such as FlixBus, FlixTrain, E.ON, Siemens EDA, AES Aerospace Embedded Solutions, and software developers including MVTec, Valtech, jambit, Lanes & Planes, Cloudflight, and Faktor Zehn are already based here. Project developments such as Ginger and Moss are laying the foundations for additional new office space.

Luftbild von Ginger and Moss Die Hirschgartenbüros

The connection to the public transport network at the Friedenheimer Brücke (S-Bahn Hirschgarten, Stammstrecke) make the site easily accessible; the ring road Mittlerer Ring Ost is also close by.


PaketPost Areal

Vorgeschlagene Nutzungsverteilung PaketPost-Areal

A new, striking urban quarter is being created in the center of the district around Hirschgarten. The plan is to build two 155-meter-high buildings next to what will be the refurbished, historically listed precast concrete hall on the 8.7-hectare site of the former Paketposthalle. Courtyard buildings with space for apartments, shops, offices, and hospitality are also planned. The Paketposthalle building itself could be used for cultural events or as a meeting place.

The masterplan for the site, which comes from the architectural company Herzog & de Meuron, also includes recommendations from a citizens’ appraisal of the project completed in spring 2022.

You can find more information on the PaketPost-Areal here (page in German).

Current project development:


Westend is an important office district in Munich. Companies and institutions that can be found in this 50-hectare area include TÜV Süd, ADAC, HDI Global, the Fraunhofer Institut and various educational institutions.

In addition, on the 9.5-hectare site of the city utilities company SWM’s bus depot on Zschokkestraße you can find the Quartier Zschokkestraße with apartments, a central area with shops and businesses, offices, and services, as well as a large green space to make the area more attractive. The necessary building rights, which also include two office blocks comprising 23,000 m², have already been acquired.

The office project Der Heimeran at Heimeranplatz became a new, 13,000 m² addition to Westend’s office district in early 2023.

Further development potential lies in the revitalization of the office and hotel complex situated opposite, on Garmischer Straße, which was recently acquired by an investor and is currently being put to interim use.

In addition, you can find many small- and medium-sized businesses and skilled crafts companies in the two city-owned business parks in Westend and at Westpark.

The U- and S-Bahn station Heimeranplatz connects the district to the public transport network (U4, U5, S2 , S7, S20 and regional trains). The Mittlerer Ring also offers quick access to the A 96 autobahn.

Current project developments:

Landsberger Straße commercial district

To the north, and stretching to the west along Landsberger Straße, you can find this approximately 22-hectare commercial district. Various office projects, including the Auron and the Laimer Würfel, have arisen over the years along the development axis Hauptbahnhof-Laim-Pasing. The City of Munich offers space here in the modern Gewerbehof Laim business park. The MARK München, with about 55,000 m² of office space, and the KuPa have recently been completed. Another project currently taking shape is the 70-meter-high Pasing high-rise project, which offers some 25,000 m² of space.

The commercial district is still evolving and there are further spaces with potential for development in the coming years. The district is next to the S-Bahn Stammstrecke (core railway segment) that runs from the Laim to Pasing stations.

Current project developments

Der Laimer Würfel mit dem Kreisel im Vordergrund

Rupert-Bodner-Straße commercial district

In Munich’s 22nd district, Aubing-Lochhausen-Langwied, to the south and west of Rupert-Bodner-Straße, you can find this 19-hectare site with development potential. As part of the development program for commercial land and property  (Gewerbeflächenentwicklungsprogramm, GEWI), the plan is to develop the surrounding areas and optimize the available space to ensure the balanced mix of sectors that is typical for Munich.

To the south you can find a former heating plant, which is a now a listed building and home to the cultural location Bergson Kunstkraftwerk. Railway facilities and the Deutsche Bahn (DB) maintenance center are located to the north. In the long term, the center itself will be replaced by the new maintenance center being constructed in Langwied. The area to the west of Rupert-Bodner-Straße has been localized as a site for a future bus depot.


The area is currently home to halls for light industry companies, and sealed-off, derelict land. This land will be cleared by the owner to free up space for the UnternehmerPark (completion scheduled for 2025). When work is finished, the UnternehmerPark will offer some 30,000 m² of rental space in the form of halls for light production and manufacturing industries. The Rupert-Bodner-Straße commercial district is situated close to the S-Bahn station Langwied and the A 99 autobahn.

Current project development:

Mühlangerstraße commercial district

The 50-hectare Mühlanger commercial district is notable for the Paulaner brewery and associated logistics facilities that account for some 20 hectares to the south of the A 99/A 8 autobahn junction.

Large portions of land are used for supplies and waste removal or are part of the substation, the modern recycling center, and a recycling facility for land and building materials. There is still, however, development potential to the north (10 hectares) and south (15 hectares) of Lochhausener Straße.

The München Lochhausen exit connects the district to the A 99 autobahn and surrounding road network.


Die Kooperationspartner*innen bekommen eine Führung über den Wertstoffhof. Im Hintergrund sind große, orange Container zu sehen.

Find other districts in Munich

Central Munich

Hauptbahnhof - Starnberger Flügelbahnhof (section of Munich main station), Am Rundfunkplatz (Bayerischer Rundfunk), Schwabing am Nordbad, The Creative Quarter

Visualisierung des Starnberger Flügelbahnhofs mit Vorplatz

North Munich

Parkstadt Schwabing, Allach, FIZ Masterplan, Milbertshofen, Moosach, Freimann, Frankfurter Ring, Europark and Ludwigsfelder/Dachauerstreet

München Parkstadt Schwabing Blick von Norden auf die Firmen rechts von der A9 und die Highlight Towers

East Munich

Bogenhausen - Arabellapark, Berg am Laim and Werksviertel, Zamdorf-Steinhausen, Messestadt Riem, Trudering, Neuperlach und Perlach

Blick im Münchner Werksviertel von Balkon des Werk 3 auf das Werk 12 mit den Großbuchstaben

South Munich

Mittersendling commercial district and Obersendling commercial district

Die Bestandsgebäude auf dem ehemaligen Siemens-Gebäude. Das Gelände wird von einem Zaun eingefasst.


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