Internationale Flaggen

Expat communities in Munich

Munich is home to sizeable international communities and many international companies.
New foreign residents therefore find it easy to make contact.

Peer groups, economic ties, consulates

There are always opportunities to find your way around – in English, or even in your native language.

Below you can find some starting points and some resources munich business has compiled that you or your new collegues or contacts from abroad might find helpful:

expat communities

Information sheets for expat communities

munich business has compiled special information sheets to show you which companies from your home country operate in Munich, which German companies cooperate specifically with organizations in your country, and which institutions and service providers focus on people from your country.

If you are planning a move to Munich, you might want to know where you can find multilingual schools and nurseries. For students, we have also put together a package of information about higher education in Munich.

Where are all the English-speakers in Munich? What cultural, educational and leisure facilities are available in your mother tongue? We trust that our information sheets will provide satisfactory answers to many of your questions.

NEW IN THE CITY - magazine

NEW IN THE CITY is the ideal magazine for new Munich residents of all nations and for those who want to become one soon.

The publication is making the move easier for all new Munich residents. New citizens, but also those who have lived here for a while, can use NEW IN THE CITY to bring themselves up-to-date easily and quickly, to look up relevant addresses and to find out about the best locations in the city.

NEW IN THE CITY is much more than “just” a city guide. It’s a combination of several city guides – more precisely, it’s a leisure-time-sport-scene-restaurant-shopping- culture-event-district-education-job-and-moving guide.

Expat networks

Here's a selection of expat networks that might be a good starting point for everyone arriving in Munich.

  • Expat in the City
    Expat in the City Fair, Network and Events is a platform for internationals living in Munich
  • In­ter­Na­tions - Expat com­mu­nity
    Mu­nich sec­tion of this very pop­u­lar on­line com­mu­nity (with free reg­is­tra­tion)
  • Parents in Munich Info Point
    Large community for English speaking parents in Munich offering a fb-page, a fb group and more. Look for Parents in Munich Info Point on Facebook.
  • International Friends Munich IFM
    Locally based community for internationals living in Munich: IFM connects people for events, trips and shares helpful information. Also a large facebook community.
Logo der Expat in the City Messe  in München
  • Belle­vue di Monaco
    Ca­sual meet­ing space in the City for im­mi­grants & Mu­nich lo­cals cur­rently being set up.
  • easyexpat.​com
    Edited by Easy­Ex­pat Ltd - In­for­ma­tion on Mu­nich for ex­pats (in 9 lan­guages!)
  • Ex­patAr­rivals – Mov­ing to Mu­nich
    Web­site edited by pub­lisher Globe Media - very use­ful more
  • Wahlmünch­nerin
    An en­ter­tain­ing blog in Eng­lish on liv­ing in Mu­nich, by Eleanor Mayrhofer
  • Just Landed
    On­line pub­lisher and com­mu­nity giv­ing very use­ful in­sights more
Haus der Begegnung für Flüchtlinge und Münchnerinnen und Münchner im Stadtzentrum

Consulates-General and consulates

The Munich region hosts diplomatic missions representing close to 100 nations.

Munich is a key player in the international business community - a fact reflected in the large number of consulates.

This printable list documents all diplomatic missions that provide consular services in the Bavarian capital:


International schools and kindergartens

Munich is one of Europe's most dynamic economic regions and offers international professionals and their families a broad and high-quality educational programme tailored to the needs of multinational families.

Here you will find a comprehensive list of international schools and kindergartens as well as offers for additional tuition in the mother tongue in Munich and the surrounding area.

Teenager sitzen über Schulbücher

More related topics

Life sciences in practice

Munich as a successful pharmaceutical location and a European leader in biotechnology successfully developed new drugs, therapy concepts and diagnostics during the pandemic.

Hand positioniert ein gefülltes Reagenzröhrchen in Ständer

Careworkers for persons with disabilities

The “Care International” program brings trainee careworkers from Turkey to Munich to assist persons with disabilities.

Gruppenfoto der Programmteilnehmer*innen von Care International 23-24

More diversity in the workplace

The “amiga – Career Center for Internationals” has been supporting talented individuals from around the world for ten years.

Gäste beim amiga-Empfang im Foyer der VHS im Einstein