Weiter Münchenblick mit Olympiagelände im Vordergrund

munich business

We support business and the economy in Munich

Work and live in Munich

Munich is Germany’s third largest city and is renowned for its resilient, strong economy. The city and broader region boasts a highly dynamic labor market characterized by a great variety of industries and a strong international focus.

Munich is brimming with opportunities for entrepreneurs, innovative minds, and talented people and organizations from all sectors. All these factors, plus an outstanding cultural scene and a unique range of leisure opportunities combine to ensure Munich consistently ranks among the world’s most livable cities. 

Our services

munich business is the Munich Economic Development Agency, an institution of the City of Munich.

We are the main point of contact and expert partner for Munich’s business community. We offer wide-ranging advice and services as well as expert support for companies and business people.

For assistance please reach out and contact the service team that fits your request. 



New platform “Make it in Munich”


Bilder von Fachkräften und Logo Make it in Munich

“Make it in Munich” is Munich’s official website for skilled workers and new recruits from abroad.

One Young World handover


Kurt Kapp und Ericka Alneus

On 21 September 2024, Munich took over the baton from Montreal as the next Host City of the One Young World Summit.

Discover Munich the smart way!


Drei Personen in der Münchner Innenstadt blicken auf ein Handydisplay

The web application for everyone who wants to experience Munich's city centre anew - from shopping and culinary highlights to history and culture.


  • Startup WORK

    Startup WORK is the job fair initiated by WERK1 for startups and job seekers. Between 10am and 4pm, many startup recruiters will be on hand to talk to for interested jobseekers.

  • Be your own Boss | How to start a business

    Attend our information session on October 30th for a brief overview of key start-up topics and support programs for starting your own business in Munich.

    Junger Mann mit Handy
  • amiga Expert Week

    International talents can join amiga for an in-depth check of your CV from business experts. Get personal feedback by individual appointment from October 21 to 25th.

    three international talents

Offers especially for

That's Munich

München Skyline

companies in the metropolitan area

DAX-listed companies in the city and region

euros purchasing power per inhabitant

Munich’s economic success is based on its broad and healthy mix of sectors and a dynamic, internationally connected start-up scene. The region’s strength in high-tech industries, digitalization and innovation make it robust even in economically challenging times.

You want information about location and premises, economic facts and figures, or material about our projects and focus areas? The latest brochures and folders are available here:

Successful business stories from Munich

Careworkers for persons with disabilities

The “Care International” program brings trainee careworkers from Turkey to Munich to assist persons with disabilities.

Gruppenfoto der Programmteilnehmer*innen von Care International 23-24

More diversity in the workplace

The “amiga – Career Center for Internationals” has been supporting talented individuals from around the world for ten years.

Gäste beim amiga-Empfang im Foyer der VHS im Einstein

Munich as international hotspot for outstanding scholars

Some 200 visiting scholars from almost 30 countries attended a reception at Munich’s Town Hall (Rathaus), where they exchanged international views on a whole range of professional and cultural topics.

empfang von gastforschern im alten rathaus

Life sciences in practice

Munich as a successful pharmaceutical location and a European leader in biotechnology successfully developed new drugs, therapy concepts and diagnostics during the pandemic.

Hand positioniert ein gefülltes Reagenzröhrchen in Ständer

Focus areas

Frequently asked questions

No. In Munich, following a landmark ruling by the Munich City Council in October 2019, city-owned properties are only available as leasehold (“Erbbaurecht”) contracts. The ruling applies to city-owned commercial and inner-city (“Kerngebiet”) property.

Exceptions must be well-founded, require consultation with the City Council, and are rarely granted.

Details on contracts can be found in the “Vertragsbedingungen im Erbbaurecht und den gewerblichen Bindungen” (Contractual conditions in the ground lease - pdf, only available in German).

 Munich’s Business Startup Office provides expert, impartial and free advice to people wanting to go self-employed. We provide start-up knowledge and business plan models, checklists and local points of contact, as well as the “Erfolgreich gründen – Was kommt auf mich zu?” info event for people who want to start a business.

Before you launch your new business, you are required to register it with the Trade Office [Gewerbeamt] if you are not a member of the liberal professions [Freie Berufe]. In a second step you submit the “Fragebogen für die steuerliche Erfassung” [Tax Assessment Questionnaire] to the Munich tax office. You will need to register first under www.elster.de in order to be able to fill in this online form and submit it electronically to the tax office. The tax office will then issue a tax number (Steuernummer) for your business which you will put on all invoices you write.

Information on required documents, fees and process flow is explained on www.startup-in-munich.de/starting-up/registration

Liberal professions (Freie Berufe) are not required to register with the Trade Office. Instead they register their self-employment directly with the Munich tax office. If you are in doubt, please contact us at Munich‘s Business Startup Office to verify whether your planned self-employed activity is classified a liberal profession.



ICT - Information and communications technology

Munich is booming as an IT center thanks to outstanding employees, high-intensity research and in-depth involvement with business and application technologies.

Programmierer am Notebook

Automotive and Mobility

Munich’s automotive and mobility companies are using diverse strategies to meet the challenges of a sector undergoing major transformation.

BMW Werk München - Monteur fixiert Reifen an rotem BMW i4

Life Sciences – Biotech and Pharma

Companies, research institutions, and universities in Munich and the surrounding region represent a true center of excellence in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry.

Firmenbesuch im MTZ

Green Economy

This interdisciplinary industry is particularly innovative in Munich, and benefits from the region’s many high-tech companies and broad range of scientific and research activities.

Blick auf die Solarpaneele auf dem Dach des Münchner Maximilianeums, dahinter die Gebäudefront und Bäume an der Isar

Munich’s Creative Scene

The cultural and creative industry, comprising eleven sub-sectors, is an important part of Munich’s economy. Alongside the most profitable subsectors film, literature, software/games, and advertising, Munich also ranks highly both nationally and internationally when it comes to design and the music industry.

Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft

Finance Industry

In Münchens Finanzwirtschaft finden sich national und international renommierte Unternehmen und Weltmarktführer, die auch bedeutende Arbeitgeber am Standort sind.

Stadtpanorama München mit HVB Tower, Hauptsitz der HypoVereinsbank und links im Hintergrund mit Allianz Arena

munich business: Organizational structure and teams

General economic development

Analyses and legal evaluation, trade, handicraft, media and design industries, subject area middle class friendly administration

Groundwork for economic policy

Economic analysis and promotion of science & research, of innovation and digital infrastructure, sustainable technologies, mobility, Munich Urban Colab

Marketing and international business relations

Promotion of Munich as a business location – international business relations, communication, marketing and online communication

Startup advice

Individual and free consulting by Munich's Business Startup Office. Initiatives to strengthen Munich as a startup location and commitment to promote impact-focused entrepreneurship.

Commercial space

Identifying potential locations for businesses and sector-specific demand. Commercial space development program, ideas for business centers, industrial park program, commercial space and vacancy management

Advice on commercial locations

Individual support for companies seeking commercial space, looking to modify, relocate or expand their premises or needing approval procedures.

Skilled labor

Transitions to education and employment, advice and information on acquiring employees, advice and information on retaining employees


Expertise from three units #kreativmuenchen is offering free advice to all people involved in any of the eleven sub-sectors of the cultural and creative industries