Sechs Personen von unterschiedlicher Hautfarbe und Geschlecht sitzen nebeneinander und tauschen sich aus

Our service for

Expats and employees

Munich’s labor market needs employees in both innovative and long-established occupations. At the same time, Munich is Germany’s most international city. Numerous expats live here and the city is brimming with opportunities for international workers.

Supporting your professional prospects

Which sectors in Munich are seeking employees and offer good prospects? What kinds of qualifications are in demand and where can I obtain them? How do I get recognition for my foreign qualifications? And where can I establish international contacts or link up with a specific community in Munich?

The City of Munich offers various points of contact and information to help you launch or further develop your career.

Tailored to your needs: our info and services

  • Impact Entrepreneurship & Social Innovation

    We are your point of contact for the topic of impact entrepreneurship and social innovation.

    Gruppe von Menschen im Gespräch
  • More diversity in the workplace

    The “amiga – Career Center for Internationals” has been supporting talented individuals from around the world for ten years.

    Gäste beim amiga-Empfang im Foyer der VHS im Einstein
  • Startups and new business

    Munich’s startup scene benefits from a tried-and-true network of successful major corporations, established startups, and an excellent university and research environment full of outstanding minds and institutional supporters.

    Gründer- und Innovationszentrum
  • Official startup platform

    What’s new on Munich’s startup scene? What events should entrepreneurs take note of? You can find the answers to these and other questions on MUNICH STARTUP, the city’s official startup platform!

    Munich Startup
  • Information event "How to start a business"

    Take advantage of our two-hour online info session to get a concise overview of all the important startup topics.

    Foto eines Notebook-Bildschirms mit 4 Gesichtern, Kamera blickt einem weiteren Teilnehmer oder Teilnehmerin über die Schulte
  • Industries

    Munich has a particularly diversified mix of all important economic sectors. In the following, we would like to present a selection that is particularly in focus.

    Tanks und Installationen einer Brauerei
  • Munich as international hotspot for outstanding scholars

    Some 200 visiting scholars from almost 30 countries attended a reception at Munich’s Town Hall (Rathaus), where they exchanged international views on a whole range of professional and cultural topics.

    empfang von gastforschern im alten rathaus
  • Skilled labor

    The focus of the Munich Employment and Qualification Program (MBQ) is to help you acquire and retain new and existing staff.

    Symbolbild Handschlag
  • Life sciences in practice

    Munich as a successful pharmaceutical location and a European leader in biotechnology successfully developed new drugs, therapy concepts and diagnostics during the pandemic.

    Hand positioniert ein gefülltes Reagenzröhrchen in Ständer
  • Expat communities

    Munich is home to sizeable international communities and many international companies. New foreign residents therefore find it easy to make contact.

    expat communities

News for professionals and talents

MUNICH FASHION AWARD - application open


Key Visual für den 1. MUNICH FASHION AWARD dunkle Frauensilhouette mit leuchtend-weißem Outfit

The competition is aimed at fashion and accessory designers from all over Europe who combine aesthetics and sustainability in their collections and products.

Set up a vending machine


Verkaufsautomat für regionale Produkte

Vending machines can complement retail. But there are a few things to consider before a vending machine is allowed to offer goods. Our start-up team can explain.

To find and retain international talent


vier Menschen unterschiedlicher Hautfarbe mit Tablets und Notebook stehen an einer Wand

The amiga - Career Center for Internationals offers Munich-based companies access to its talent pool at joint events and promotes networking and recruiting.