Blick auf neue Gebäude im Münchner Werksviertel, das Atlas Hochhaus mit der orangenen Kugel auf dem Dach und das Werk 12

Our service for

Seeking commercial space

Demand for commercial space in Munich is high, as are rents and purchasing prices. munich business can draw on a broad network and offers tailored advice and information to help you with your search in this area.

Overview of potential commercial locations

Here at munich business we can help your company find the right business location by making suggestions, helping you with approval procedures, or via tailored recommendations concerning areas in development. We can also recommend our industrial park program to suitable companies. 

Tailored to your needs: our info and services

  • Coworking Spaces

    A large number of coworking spaces can be found in Munich. Here you can quickly get an overview - by map or list.

    Karte der Münchner Coworking Spaces
  • Spaces for startups and scaleups

    With the program, munich business pursues strategic projects that improve and supplement the supply of suitable space for startups and scaleups.

    Treppenaufgang im Munich Urban Colab mit hängender Skulptur
  • Commercial space and locations

    In Munich’s inner city and adjoining areas intensive construction of commercial property and locations is ongoing. Some districts have already been modernized. Others are being expanded, given a facelift or a fully new character thanks to prominent architecture.

    Highlight-Towers mit Bergen
  • Advice on commercial locations

    Are you looking for commercial property? Would you like to move to or grow your company in Munich? Or do you want to modify, relocate or expand your premises? Get in touch!

  • Munich Industrial Centers

    The Munich Industrial Centers provide commercial space for small skilled crafts, trades, and industrial businesses, and thus also for new products as well as innovative ideas and craftsmanship.

    Die MGH vermietet seit diesem Monat Flächen im neuen Gewerbehof Nord. Er ist der neunte Standort in München.


Discover Munich the smart way!


Drei Personen in der Münchner Innenstadt blicken auf ein Handydisplay

The web application for everyone who wants to experience Munich's city centre anew - from shopping and culinary highlights to history and culture.

Prognos City Ranking 2024


Stadtsilhouette von München, im Vordergrund der Englische Garten

Sustainable and livable: Munich comes second in the latest ranking of German cities.

New Bavarian Biotech Report


Titel der Broschüre Biotech in Bavaria 23/24

With its annual report "Biotech in Bavaria 23/24", the BioM cluster organization presents a picture of the industry - including biotechnology in the Munich region